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Maritime Logistics and Security Program


The principal objective of the Maritime Logistics and Security Program is to provide midshipmen with the knowledge and skills required to manage complex maritime and intermodal supply chains and to assist in addressing the security challenges facing the marine transportation system. This goal is achieved through an integrated program of study and experiential learning, the cornerstone of which is an academic major that builds on the Academy’s traditional maritime core competencies. 

The major emphasizes the development of oral and written communications capabilities through written reports and formal presentations. Problem-solving and teamwork skills are enhanced through case studies and applied research projects for outside organizations that focus on real-world tasks identified through the program’s extensive industry outreach efforts.  Prominent industry figures are invited as guest lecturers to discuss current issues and challenges in the maritime logistics and security.

Maritime Logistics and Security Program Learning Outcomes

The Maritime Logistics and Security Program supports the Academy’s Institutional Learning Outcomes by providing education and training that will enable its graduates to serve successfully as Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch, as Able Seafarers, and as maritime-related shore side professionals through their ability to:

  1. Apply accepted seamanship practices and cargo-handling skills

  1. Employ established navigation and collision avoidance practices

  1. Operate and manage maritime Information Technology

  1. Utilize problem solving and critical thinking skills

  1. Apply business, transportation, and logistics concepts

  1. Lead others skillfully and function competently in teams

  1. Communicate effectively and professionally, both orally and in writing

  1. Implement security measures aboard vessels and in maritime facilities

  1. Design and evaluate complex maritime and intermodal supply chains

  1. Solve security challenges facing the global marine transportation system

Required courses specific to the Maritime Logistics and Security major include Integrated Logistics Management, Port and Terminal Operations, Vessel Security Officer/Company Security Officer (successful completion of which provides USCG/STCW endorsement), Maritime Security Research Seminar, Chartering and Brokerage, and the Capstone Project Seminar.  Some of these courses are offered to midshipmen in other majors as electives when possible.  The Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties course is taken by all majors, deck and engine, prior to their first sea year period.  The sample curriculum for both A and B splits follows.

Maritime Logistics and Security Program Curriculum

Fourth Class Year

  • BUSN 101 Principles of Leadership
  • CMDT100 Social Responsibility
  • ECME 101 LEC Introduction to Marine Engineering I
  • HIST 100 LEC History of Sea Power
  • LITR 101 LEC Composition & Literature
  • MLOG 120 Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties
  • MATH 101 LEC Calculus I
  • MATH 120 LEC Calculus II
  • NASC 100 LEC Introduction to Naval Science
  • NAUT 101 LEC Introduction to Nautical Science
  • NAUT 110 LEC Basic Firefighting and Safety
  • NAUT 120 LEC Terrestrial Navigation 1
  • NAUT 125 LEC Terrestrial Navigation 2
  • NAUT 130 LEC Introduction to Navigation Law
  • NAUT 140 LEC Maritime Communications
  • NAUT 160 LEC Ship Construction and Stability
  • NAUT210 LEC Integrated Navigation 1
  • NAUT 250 LEC Dry Cargo Operations
  • PHYS 110 LEC Physics 1          
  • PHYS 120 LEC Physics 2
  • PE&A 110 LAB Basic Swimming
  • PE&A 120 LAB First Aid          
  • PE&A 125 LAB Self Defense Tactics
  • PE&A 130 LAB Aquatic Survival
  • WTRF 100 LEC Safety of Life at Sea

Third and Second Class Years

  • BUSN 110 LEC The Business of Shipping
  • BUSN 201 LEC Maritime Leadership and Management
  • BUSN 210 Principles of Economics
  • BUSN 230 LEC Principles of Management
  • BUSN 300 LEC Fundamentals of Business Law
  • BUSN 310 LEC Accounting & Finance
  • CHEM 100 LEC General Chemistry
  • LITR 201 LEC Literature
  • MLOG 200 LEC Integrated Logistics Management
  • MLOG 310 LEC Vessel Security Officer/Company Security Officer
  • NASC 200 LEC Strategic Sealift
  • NAUT 215 LEC Integrated Navigation 2
  • NAUT 220 LEC Liquid Cargo Operations
  • NAUT 225 LEC Celestial Navigation
  • NAUT 230 LEC Navigation Law
  • NAUT 240 LEC Meteorology
  • NAUT 310 LEC Integrated Navigation 3
  • NAUT 330 LEC The Maritime Regulatory Environment
  • NAUT 420 LEC Advanced Firefighting

First Class Year

  • BUSN 410 Marketing
  • BUSN 420 Maritime Economics
  • BUSN 430 Admiralty and International Law of the Sea
  • ECME 480 Marine Engineering for Deck Officers
  • HIST 410 Modern World History
  • Humanities Elective
  • MATH 210 Probability & Statistics
  • NASC 400 Naval Leadership & Ethics
  • NAUT 400 License Seminar
  • NASC 410 Naval Science Senior Seminar
  • NAUT 440 LAB Flashing Light and Radar Observer Certification
  • NAUT 460 LEC Bridge Resource Management
  • MLOG 400 LEC Port and Terminal Operations
  • MLOG 425 LEC Maritime Security Research Seminar
  • MLOG 430 Chartering and Brokerage
  • MLOG 450 LEC Capstone Project Seminar
  • PE&A 200 LAB Medical Care Provider

Sea Year

  • EPRJ 245 PRJ Marine Engine for Deck Project
  • HPRJ 300 PRJ Humanities Sea Project
  • INSP 100 PRJ Internship
  • NPRJ 210 PRJ Cargo Operations 1
  • NPRJ 215 PRJ Integrated Navigation Systems 1
  • NPRJ 220 PRJ Seamanship 1
  • NPRJ 225 PRJ Ship Structure and Stability 1
  • NPRJ 230 PRJ Navigation I
  • NPRJ 235 PRJ Navigation Law 1
  • NPRJ 240 PRJ Maritime Communications Sea Project
  • NPRJ 310 PRJ Cargo Operations 2
  • NPRJ 315 PRJ Integrated Navigation Systems 2
  • NPRJ 320 PRJ Seamanship 2
  • NPRJ 325 PRJ Ship Structure and Stability 2
  • NPRJ 330 PRJ Navigation II
  • NPRJ 335 PRJ Navigation Law 2
  • NPRJ 340 PRJ Maritime Business

After Graduation

Career opportunities for graduates of the Maritime Logistics and Security Program following fulfillment of the seagoing obligation are diverse and rewarding.  Service is possible in a wide variety of logistics and security-related occupations in commercial, government, and military domains. Examples of entry-level positions include logistics system coordinator, transportation analyst, Facility Security Officer, terminal supervisor, Special Agent, and intelligence analyst, to name a few.

Applications for the Class of 2030 open on 1 May 2025