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Course Descriptions

EM610, Computational Methods


This course teaches the background theories and numerical methods for solving fluid dynamics problems and introduces students to the use of computational methods in marine engineering applications with a focus on computational fluid dynamics.  After completing the course students will have a basic understanding of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and be able to solve simple CFD problems using a commercial CFD package.  The course is based on lectures, exercises, computer exercises and group work in the form of home work and a smaller project assignment.
Credits: 3

EM620, Marine Propulsion Systems


This is an introductory course addressing the fundamentals of marine propulsion prime-movers, propulsion systems and associated auxiliary machinery and systems.  Diesel, gas turbines, conventional, steam, and nuclear propulsion plants will be addressed as well as the required fluid support systems, transmission systems and basic control systems.  Students will be expected to apply knowledge of the engineering sciences (fluid dynamics, heat transfer, strength of materials and thermodynamics) to the analysis of marine power plants. This course will include an on-campus laboratory session.
This course may be substituted for an elective for those students who do not have an undergraduate degree in marine engineering or naval architecture.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Thermodynamics
Credits: 3

EM621, Advanced Marine Propulsion Plants


The study of marine propulsion plants beyond the conventional diesel, gas turbine and steam power plants.  Topics of study will include combined diesel-exhaust gas turbine plants, combined gas turbine-steam turbine plants, nuclear gas cooled and water cooled reactor plants and fuel cell based plants.  Thermodynamic and operating issues will be studied.
Prerequisites:  Marine Power Plants or equivalent
Credits: 3

EM622, Thermal System Design and Optimization


This course addresses the simulation and optimization of thermal systems, including gas turbines, air conditioning, steam propulsion.  Components are simulated using various modeling techniques and combined into systems.  The systems are examined for operating characteristics and optimization within a concept.
Credits: 3

EM623, Advanced Marine Materials


The advanced materials course will focus on materials science and engineering for Marine Engineers and Naval Architects. The first portion of the course will consist of an  review of materials science concepts as well as overview of engineering materials used in the maritime industry to include, fabrication and testing of engineering materials, applicable engineering standards and rules, joining methodologies (focused on welding considerations/ metallurgy), and composites (focus on  mechanics of fiber reinforced composites).  The second portion of the course is on application specific materials engineering considerations for the maritime industry to include corrosion, fatigue, temperature considerations, failure analysis and future trends.  The course will include an on-campus laboratory session.
Credits: 3

EM624, Vibration of Marine Machinery and Structures


This course examines the theory of mechanical vibrations for free and forced vibration of damped single-degree-of-freedom systems as well as multi-degrees of freedom problems to include the determination of natural frequencies and critical speeds.  Vibration analysis and testing techniques, dynamic balancing and vibration isolation methods are also considered with emphasis on applications in the maritime environment. 
Credits: 3

EM625, LNG Vessel Operational and Design Considerations


This course will examine LNG vessel and shore side operations, vessel design and construction considerations, LNG cargo tank design, LNG cargo operations, cargo handling systems, propulsion plant types and operations including traditional steam turbine plants, the introduction of diesel, diesel electric and gas turbine for LNG vessel prolusion and LNG reliquefaction systems.
Credits: 3

EM626, Marine Nuclear Propulsion


To provide a qualitative and quantitative overview of the topics necessary to understand marine-nuclear propulsion. The course will be presented from the perspective of the nuclear reactor as an alternative heat source to, for example, oil-fired boilers in a conventional propulsion plant utilizing the Rankine steam cycle (albeit somewhat older vintage). The course will be fast-paced, with the information presented at a depth consistent with the course objective and time constraints. The course project will be a Matlab/Simulink simulation of a commercial marine-nuclear propulsion plant providing the essential dynamics observed during selected operating scenarios.
The students will be guided through the model's development as the course progresses; using data from the Nuclear Ship Savannah's propulsion plant design documentation (the Savannah is the world's first nuclear powered merchant ship). The Savannahs reactor/reactor plant design is similar to many existing, land-based pressurized water reactor designs in operation throughout the world today. As such, the student will derive an understanding of these reactors as well.
Prerequisites:  Undergraduate thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid flow, differential equations.  Familiarity with PC operation.
Credits: 3

EM627, Alternative Marine Power Production


Various types of fuel cells and their potential use to generate shipboard power will be studied. The production and utilization of alternative fuels that can be used with fuel cells will also be evaluated. In addition, hybrid cycles that include fuel cells with gas and/or steam turbines will be analyzed.
Credits: 3

EE631, Electrical Power Systems


After completing this course, the student will be able to analyze, operate, and design power systems in conventional and all-electric ships; size shipboard power components to meet the load requirements; learn to implement the current industry standards; and suggest improvements in a real power system he or she is familiar with.
Prerequisites: AC Circuits, Electrical Machines, and Advanced Math for Engineers (Fluency in complex algebra of R + j X and phasor diagram is presumed).
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Electrical Engineering,  Undergraduate Engineering Mathematics
Credits: 3

EE632, Power Electronics and Applications


This graduate level solid state power May 5, 2010 electronics course provides a review of the fundamentals of modern power electronics switching devices, and their uses for control of AC and DC systems. The course covers in more depth rectifiers, phase-controlled rectifiers, inverters, DC choppers, AC and DC machine controllers, and their applications, including practical converter design considerations.
Credits: 3

EE633, Shipboard Control Systems

After completing this course, the students will be familiar with the current state of the maritime offshore controls industry; control systems used the board ship and offshore facilities; the regulations and rules related to control systems; the challenges of operation and maintenance of existing control systems; basic control systems theory and be prepared to participate in specification design, installation and operation in new and next generation control systems.
Credits: 3

EE634, Marine Electrical Systems and Propulsion


After completing this course the students should have obtain the essential background to be able to participate in the analysis, operation and design of electrical power production, distribution and utilization systems aboard ships and mobile marine structures utilizing " conventional " propulsion systems and in ships and mobile marine structures utilizing an integrated electrical plant. This includes the ability to participate in the selection of shipboard power system components and systems.
Prerequisites:  Electrical Power Systems
Credits: 3

EM640, Economics of Marine Engineering Systems


The course objective is building problem solving and decision making skills for the engineering environment. Topics include engineering economy theory, cost analysis and estimation, depreciation and depletion models, engineering project economics, replacement analysis, decision making under risk and uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, capital budgeting decisions. Practical applications to ship design and operations, and also to marine equipment manufacturing are presented as case studies.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Economics
Credits: 3

EE642, Reliability Engineering and Operations Research

The course covers the fundamental theorems in reliability, parts failure modes, mean time to failure, de-rating for reliability, series and parallel reliabilities, systems design with redundancies in active and dormant modes,  part counts of reliability estimates, failure mode and effect analysis, MIL-Standard-217.  Operations Research part of the course covers linear programming, optimization under constraints, simplex method, queuing model, transportation model, and decision making analysis.
Pre-requisites: Advance Mathematics, and Probability and Statistics.
Credits: 3

EM645, Marine Engineering Management I


The course is intended to build problem solving, decision making and project managing skills for the marine engineering environment. Topics include engineering economy theory, cost analysis and estimation; initiation, analysis, justification and decision making regarding maritime engineering projects; project mobilization including in-house preparation and proposals, bidding and contracting, organization and preliminary planning; replacement analysis; project implementation including planning and scheduling, control and resource management; project monitoring and quality control; evaluation and management of changes; sensitivity analysis; capital budgeting decisions. Practical applications to ship design and operations, and also to marine equipment manufacturing are presented as case studies.
Credits: 3

EME646, Engineering Management II (Management of Shipyard Operations)


The course introduces to the managerial and economic principles of shipyard production and operation. Topics include: overview of American and world shipyards, modern shipyard production organization and methods, manufacturing process design, production capacity, materials and inventory management, fundamentals of shipyard project management, work force management, product and production quality management, production planning and scheduling, specifics of production management in ship repair, shipyard facilities management
Credits: 3

EM650, Internal Combustion Engine Analysis and New Technologies

The Internal Combustion Engines course will address marine propulsion and auxiliary diesel (compression ignition) engines.  Topics of study will include cycle analysis and design ratio parameters of marine diesel engines.  Students will study methods to improve engine performance through intake system design, the fuel injection combustion process, and new technology fuel injection methods.  The highly critical and timely topics of exhaust gas analysis and emissions standards will be examined.  Students will also study the latest enhancements to fuel and lubricating oils and current developments and advances in material technologies applicable to internal combustion engines.  The course will include an on-site laboratory with a formal report to be submitted after completion of the lab exercise.
Credits: 3

EM660, Hydrostatics and Basic Hydrodynamics


This course is an introduction to principles of naval architecture and includes the study of  ship nomenclature, ship geometry, hydrostatics and basic hydrodynamics. It also explores concepts of intact and damaged stability, hull structure strength calculations and ship resistance and propulsion.
This course may be substituted for an elective for those students who do not have an undergraduate degree in marine engineering or naval architecture.
Credits: 3

EM661, Propulsion and Propulsors


This course investigates ships and craft resistance, propulsion and the propulsors utilized to propel the vessel. Resistance will be studied considering all its facets including friction, wavemaking and form, considering both displacement vessels and those with dynamic lift including planing craft, hydrofoils, and air cushion vehicle. Propulsion considerations will investigate the hull/propulsor interaction and both resistance and propulsion will include how model testing is utilized for prediction and ship trials for verification. The consideration of propulsors will begin with propellers and their selection and design, including in an environment of cavitation. Other propulsive devices will be addressed as well as ducts, thrusters, cycloidal propellers and waterjets. Throughout the course specific ship applications will be considered.
Prerequisite: EM660, Hydrostatics and Basic Hydrodynamics or equivalent.
Credits: 3

EM 670, Marine Industry Policy


To understand where the Merchant Marine is today and where it will be in the future, it is necessary to understand its origins and history.  From the earliest days of the republic, the United States government has taken an active role in creating the nation maritime policy.  From laws dealing with tariffs and tonnage taxes to the modern Maritime Securities Program, the history of the commercial Merchant Marine has been intertwined with that of the government.   At times it has fostered innovation and the development of technologies, at others it has hindered and stymied growth.  This course will examine the history of the United States maritime policy and the history of the US Merchant Marine, with a specific interest toward the rise of the Merchant Marine in the early 19th century, the decline of the Merchant Marine following the Civil War, and its attempted resurrection under the Merchant Marine Act of 1936.  We will also study how the use of new technologies, globalization, and the growth of commerce in the late twentieth century has created the merchant fleets of today.
Credits: 3

EM 680, Thesis/Design Project 1

Assigned Mentor

The intent of this course is to allow students to investigate a relevant marine engineering topic as agreed to by the student and approved by the MMarE program director.  The student is expected to undertake significant independent research in the execution of the project.  The result of this course will be a significant design project or thesis suitable for publishing.

Prerequisite:  Formal agreement and plan by Project or Thesis Advisor,  Approval by MMarE Director

Credits: 3

EM 681, Thesis/Design Project 2

Assigned Mentor

Continuation of EM 680, Thesis/Design Project 1
Credits: 3

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