USMMA Midshipmen Honored at 2015 Connie Awards Luncheon
KINGS POINT, N.Y., Dec. 9, 2015 - Six United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) midshipmen received scholarships at the annual Connie Awards luncheon at the Newark Club in Newark, N.J. on Monday. The sold-out event drew almost 400 distinguished attendees from a broad cross-section of the maritime and transportation industry.
The Connie Award was established in 1972 to recognize individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the evolution of containerized shipping and intermodal transportation. The event is organized by the Containerization & Intermodal Institute (CII), which has promoted education in the international trade and transportation industry for nearly 50 years. This year’s Connie Award was given to Wolfgang Freese, President Americas Region for Hapag-Lloyd.
As part of the Connie Awards event, CII and its partner firms also present scholarships to students committed to making a career in the field. Scholarships were presented by CII Board of Directors members Capt. Jon Helmick, USMS, Director of the USMMA Maritime Logistics & Security Program; Steven Blust, former chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission and USMMA Class of ‘71; and Sue Coffey, CII Treasurer. Personnel from Crowley Maritime Corporation, the Journal of Commerce, and Ceres Terminals also conveyed awards.
Helmick, who has coordinated scholarships for CII and its partners at the Academy since 1996, said, “one of the most rewarding aspects of my job is to see USMMA midshipmen recognized in this prestigious venue for their talents, efforts, and potential contribution to our industry.”
CII’s Richard A. Simpson Scholarship was awarded to Midshipman 1st Class James Gardner, a Logistics and Intermodal Transportation major from Williamsburg, Virginia. Gardner plans to seek a commission in the U.S. Coast Guard following graduation, and to later work as a harbor pilot.
This year’s Institute of International Container Lessors (IICL) scholarship was awarded to Midshipman 1st Class William Murray, who is from coastal Georgia and is a Logistics major. Murray looks forward to applying his skills as a deck officer upon graduation and later, to earning a higher degree in supply chain management.
Midshipman 1st Class Sean McCord, a Logistics and Intermodal Transportation major, received the Ceres Terminals Scholarship. McCord, from New Orleans, plans a long seagoing career followed by law school with a focus on admiralty.
The Norton Lilly Scholarship was awarded to Midshipman 1st Class Chris Hall, a Logistics major from the Dallas area. Hall plans to sail upon graduation aboard a U.S.-flag tanker or with the Military Sealift Command. Later, he would like to earn an MBA with emphasis on logistics, management, or finance.
Three midshipmen received Thomas B. Crowley, Sr. Memorial Scholarships from Crowley Maritime Corporation. Midshipman 1st Class Robert Tirrito, a Systems Engineering major from Centerport, NY, intends to sail for MEBA following graduation. Midshipman 1st Class Peter Tolles is a logistics major from Minnesota who wants to sail as a deck officer aboard coastal tankers and to earn an advanced degree. Midshipman 1st Class William Murray, who received the IICL Scholarship, was also a Crowley Scholarship recipient.
By Capt. Jon Helmick, USMS

Capt. Jon Helmick with scholarship recipients Midshipmen 1st Class Sean McCord, Chris Hall, Peter Tolles, James Gardner, William Murray and Robert Tirrito at the annual Connie Awards luncheon.