USMMA Midshipmen Eligible for TSA Precheck® under new Agreement
KINGS POINT, N.Y., - September 2, 2015. Midshipmen of the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) at Kings Point are now eligible for TSA Precheck® following an agreement between the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Maritime Administration (MARAD).
Under the agreement, signed August 12, 2015, USMMA midshipmen now qualify for the program and may receive expedited screening, the same as cadets and midshipmen from the other federal service academies. Enrollment allows the midshipmen to use TSA Precheck® lanes at more than 150 U.S. airports, eliminating the need to remove shoes, belt, light jacket, and take out liquids and laptop from their carry-on during the screening.
MARAD will provide the midshipmen additional information and registration guidance later this month.
A boarding pass indicator will remind travelers to enter for the TSA Precheck® lane. Children 12 and under may accompany trusted travelers into the TSA Precheck lane®. Family and friends may also apply for a Known Traveler Number at
Travelers whose reservations contain a valid Known Traveler Number can expect to receive TSA Precheck® screening in almost every circumstance when they travel through a checkpoint with a TSA Precheck® lane.