Thanksgiving at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
KINGS POINT, N.Y., November 25, 2015 - The United States Merchant Marine Academy’s (USMMA) Regiment of Midshipmen, administration, faculty, staff and alumni were joined by Maritime Administrator Paul “Chip” N. Jaenichen and Deputy Maritime Administrator Mike Rodriguez ’79 for the annual Thanksgiving dinner celebration.
Thanksgiving dinner held in Delano Hall is one of USMMA’s most cherished annual traditions. The event is the kick-off to the holiday season and time of reflection.
Rodriguez reminded the midshipmen and guests to remember the cadets and mariners at sea. “At this time of the year, when we are giving thanks and looking forward to the holidays with our families, let us pray for and be grateful for the safe return of our midshipmen and seafarers everywhere.”
The dinner was served family-style, with one plebe having the honor of carving the turkey at each table. To help them get it right, Head Chef, Steve Furman provided them training in the art of turkey carving before the meal.
This year 660 midshipmen and 42 guests shared 75 turkeys plus stuffing, sweet potatoes, vegetables, apple cider, and apple pie (with whipped cream) for dessert.
“So cherish the people who love you, give a thought for all of those who are far from home, and take pride in our maritime profession and your place within it,” Rodriguez said in closing. “All of us at the Maritime Administration wish you all safe journeys home and a very VERY happy Thanksgiving.”
By Benjamin Benson

MIDN 1/C Jennifer Jimenez, Plebe Foster Wade, Deputy Maritime Administrator Mike Rodriguez (Kings Point ’79) and MIDN 1/C Giovanni Sessoms celebrate Thanksgiving.