Over 200 USMMA Midshipmen Become Trained Disaster Responders
KINGS POINT, N.Y., February 27, 2015 – On Saturday morning, over 200 midshipmen in the Plebe Class completed 4-hour training class that will prepare them as Red Cross volunteers in the event of a disaster.
The class began with an introduction from John Miller, CEO of the American Red Cross on Long Island, whose team had worked through night assisting residents following a huge fire in Hempstead, Long Island. Miller stressed the importance of volunteers in times of crisis and thanked the midshipmen for their willingness to serve others.
“Thank you to the US Merchant Marine Academy for your partnership,” Miller said. “Without dedicated volunteers, like you are training to become, the Red Cross would not be able to provide relief to so many.”
The training began by dividing the group into four teams. The teams rotated through simulations that allowed them to assume the major responsibilities of responders during an actual disaster. While some midshipmen played the part of displaced residents, others faced the challenges of the registration process, dormitory set-up, information stations and feeding.
The midshipmen were impressed by the training and the dedication of the Red Cross Volunteers. “I didn’t realize how stressful the work environment for the red cross volunteers is, said Plebe Nicholas Castelli, from Miller Place, Long Island. “ They cater to numerous disaster victims, while staying vigilant to keep a safe environment in the shelter. It’s important to recognize how hard they work and how little they sleep during a disaster.”