American Merchant Marine Museum Receives Largest Donation In Its History
KINGS POINT, N.Y. April 9, 2015 – In February, the Maritime Administration formally accepted a gift of $ 766,670.90 on behalf of the American Merchant Marine Museum, located on the McNulty Campus of the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA).
The gift which was donated by the Merrill and Hedy Thruston Living Trust will result in significant upgrades to Barstow Mansion. Prof. Joshua Smith said, “These upgrades will allow the Museum to continue to preserve, honor, and interpret the heritage of American merchant mariners for midshipmen and the public. This bequest will secure our holdings for the generations to come. ”
Not much is known about the donors, except that the trust in their name was divided into eight equal parts, all going to service museums or similar charitable institutions. The Thrustons did not have any known connection to USMMA. “We are very grateful for this very generous gift”, said Rear Admiral James A. Helis. “This gift to the American Merchant Marine Museum, is actually a gift to the American people.”